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Updated: May 21, 2023

Active Projects:

Kintsugi (Compositor) - COMPLETED

Guns (Compositor) - 2 left

Timeless (Compositor) - 1 shot left

Week 9 Update (05/21/23 - 05/27/23)


(05/21/23) Finished the two background replacement shots, only one left and Jadyn just sent me the files for it.


(05/21/23) I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS CG. I can't get it to work nor look nice. My projects keep breaking and I've had to redo the shots several times over by now. Jackson and I are teaming up to hack at these two shots and I will take the rest of his comps to polish... A fair trade.

Week 8 Update (05/15/23 - 05/21/23)


(05/15/23) Moved onto the last 3 sky replacement shots, hoping to have all three started by the end of the week.


(05/15/23) I've finally got something for the theater shot, although for my park shot, I'm still having difficulty in Maya with the constraint tool.. Jackson will help me in class tomorrow. Below is the theater update- not happy with the track still. I might have to find a way to pin it to Kristof's butt.

Week 6 Update (04/30/23 - 05/06/23)


(05/01/23) Moved onto shot 2/5 (maybe?) for Timeless, There are 2 Toni's Office shots: V7JT1 and V7JT2. I've started both by now, but here is an update on version 3 of V7JT1 that I'm further on. Still need to add in the lightwrap and fix some glow details.


(05/01/23) All I need to do now is fix the way I display the contacts sheet of completed shots so it looks nice in my demo reel. Coming soon....


(05/01/23) Jackson was kind enough to lend me his holster model for my shot so I could upload it to KeenTools and use it to track Kristof's holster as he walks away. Haven't gotten around to finishing the tracking since last week due to other projects getting in the way. Will have the holster tracked this week, most likely Tuesday so that I can replace it with the gun. Also will be making a paint patch for the letters on the sign to make them say "Gun Show".

Week 5 Update (04/23/23 - 04/29/23)


(04/26/23) Jadyn and I are having some crazy trouble with this pill's track and tracking data. It keeps causing Nuke to crash no matter what system we're on... It's infuriating. Form now, we're going to move past this shot onto the other pill shots I need to get to. Here's the latest WIP of the DRAYTON pill shot I mentioned:


(04/26/23) 26/26 shots done! All finished and uploaded. THAT'S A WRAP!


(04/26/23) Made a crappy slap comp, need to update the comp with the holster re-tracked in Mocha Pro. My drive keeps deleting this shot, I have no idea what that's about.. no updates until tomorrow in class.s

Week 3 Update (04/16/23 - 04/23/23)


(04/16/23) Re-tracked the pill because the track was god awful... but it's still so jumpy. I feel like there's some sort of transform issue with the pill fx render? I'll need help in class figuring it out.


(04/16/23) 21/26 shots done... that's all. Will finish them done soon.

Above is a video I made using the ContactSheetAuto node to preview all the shots I've done so far next to one another with Wipes added to them.


(04/16/23) We're going to get our shots on Wednesday! Will start then.

Week 3 Update (04/09/23 - 04/15/23)


(04/09/23) For now, I've started tracking the pill in the Drayton shot so that I can place the FX inside the pill and make it look consistent with the others. Unfortunately, I still don't have Mocha Pro (but I did apply), and the Tracker node in NukeX has been less than helpful... I've resorted to hand tracking. It is finished as of now and starting Monday, I will open up a previous shot's pill comp to make sure all of the setup is correct to use in my own comp.


(04/09/23) 26 shots out of 49 (splitting with another comp artist) for this project, all of which are static, paint-out shots to remove a tennis ball. So far I've done 7/26 and will continue to work on a couple a day so we can finish them by Midterms.

Starting this week, though, I'm going to set up a template to show off the quantity of these shots that I'm going to finish in only a couple weeks time so that I can add the template to my demo reel. Basically, I want it to read that I can work quickly & efficiently.

Above is a video I made using the ContactSheetAuto node to preview all the shots I've done so far next to one another with Wipes added to them.

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